Моды для Brink Update 6

Brink Update 6

Размер: 13.59 Мб

Brink Update 6 info:


- Fixed font corruption issue
- Removed look-at code when throwing items to team mates
- Fixed players getting stuck if they attempted to deploy mid-mantle
- Fixed multiple clicks being played when player jumps in multiplayer
- Mines are now visible to spectators
- Added support for minimizing the game when running in windowed mode
- net_clientMaxRate can now be set on a client to tweak its own bandwidth requirements
- Cheat-protected several potentially exploitable cvars
- Removed some old, unused cvars
- Added unsupported auto-save backup system for advanced users
- Can read backup saves by setting "save_readFile" to the desired save
- Setting “save_enableBackups” to 0 will disable the auto-save backups

User Interface

- Revamped the server browser
- Server browser filters are now remembered between sessions
- Server browser now auto-refreshes the currently selected server
- Ping is now displayed numerically on the scoreboard
- Map loading screen now displays server name and IP
- Tweaked UI flow when joining a match via Steam
- Fixed exploit that allowed players to use locked customization items
- Fixed issue when listening to one audio log but highlighting another
- Fixed connecting to servers with ‘–‘ in their names


- Tweaked objective times on several maps
- Increased the time it takes Engineers to remove a Hackbox
- Increased XP given for completing Primary Objectives
- Reduced the duration of Adrenaline buff

Dedicated Servers

- Fixed several dedicated server crashes
- Improved messaging for unexpected server shutdowns
- Reduced warning spam in dedicated server console
- Increased default net_serverSnapshotDelay to 3 (from 1)
- Lowers bandwidth & CPU usage by sending fewer snapshots each seconds; can be changed by server admins

25 июн. 2011 г.

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