Моды для Патч 1.04 для retail версии в комплекте с SDK

Патч 1.04 для retail версии в комплекте с SDK

Patch 1.04 Changelog
- Added better mod support (mod packages may now be loaded through exe parameter)
- Fixed chapter 2 campaign blocker (cutscene playback in FPS mission after Chapter 2 timeout)
- Fixed Outpost objective
- Fixed Aurora cutscene playback while on Thermopylae
- Stockpile now starts set as mining type island
- Strategy game now ends correctly after carrier is destroyed and the whole map is captured
- Fixed enemy carrier disappearance after the "End classic campaign" dialog

Взято здесь: http://www.carriercommand.com/updates/

5 июн. 2013 г.

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