Моды для C&C: Generals "Rise of the Reds v1.8"

C&C: Generals "Rise of the Reds v1.8"

Размер: 440.78 Мб

Примерное описание на русском:
Rise of the Reds - мод для Generals: Zero Hour, который добавляет совершенно новые стороны конфликта: Российскую федерацию и Европейские войска. Каждая фракция будет включать в себя новые юниты, сооружения и способности, чтобы быть победить в этом конфликте.

Two new Factions
Regain the Glory of Mother Russia with the Russian Federation or defend your homeland as the European Union. The addition of these two factions give a total of 5 factions, meaning more strategy, more enemies, more combat. Who will you choose?
Over 100 New units
Every faction consists of the best their military has to offer. Rip through tank columns with the deafening 220 mm Sentinel Tank cannon, raid bases with Blackhawks as your Special Force Rangers combat drop into battle and pummel enemy bases from afar with ECA Artillery. The best military hardware has been put into the mix, which will you use to lead your forces to victory?
New particle effects
As the creators of ShockWave, we have also implemented those same lovable effects into ROTR. Blind your opponent with the flashes of a nuclear missile and make your enemies suffer from their own Particle cannon by causing a breach in their structure causing a unstable particle explosion.
New Sound Effects
From new voice overs to the sounds of war, we have vastly improved and added the sound effects in Rise of the Reds.
New General Powers
With 5 different factions to choose from you bet you'll find a new array of weaponry to use, from the sounds of an air raid aircraft carrier strike to the drop of the Russian FOAB, each faction shows that it's not playing around.
Balance & Bug Fixes
As a SWR Mod, we strife to fix all bugs known to the game to the best limit of modding.

21 февр. 2013 г.

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