Моды для CPMA 1.33

CPMA 1.33

Размер: 7.66 Мб

Официальная версия CPMA 1.33. Особое внимание обратите, что предыдущие паки не нужны. Ниже приведены все дополнения и
Изменения и дополнения:
IMPORTANT: This release contains ALL the CPMA content except for the maps.
This is a new (and ongoing) policy. Admins can (and should) delete ALL
old z-cpma-pakXXX.pk3 files from their servers, INCLUDING z-cpma-pak100.

add: the "superhud" begins... :D
check hud/hud.cfg (and the docs if we've written them yet :P)

add: ch_file (default: "hud") to select the hud file
custom huds MUST be in your cpma/hud/ dir, MUST end in .cfg
and MUST NOT be called "hud" if you want to customise it

add: reloadHUD command

add: cg_error, so you can actually see why a client fatal'd out
the shader debugspew messages id left in always flush the console

add: enabled s_announcer (3 years after originally adding it :)

add: Hellchick's announcer sounds: "s_announcer hellchick"

add: #S chat token - item in sights

add: a bunch of custom loc files for CTF maps, thanks to MassMan

chg: re-generated the PM skins as picmip0

chg: default reload for instagib is the gameplay's RG reload

chg: allow voting for obsoleted maps (cpm3/4/11/13/18)

chg: gauntlet range increased slightly
(to compensate for fixing the id muzzlebug in 1.32)

chg: CPM uses "absolutely honest" knockback rules
no artificial vertical boost

chg: CPM RL is unbiased

chg: deleted a whole bunch of hud-related cvars
cg_drawTimer, cg_drawFPS
ch_drawFollow, cf_Following
ch_drawPickup, cf_Pickupstring
ch_fragMessage, cf_Fragmsg
ch_consoleTeamChat, cf_Teamchat
cg_teamChatHeight, cg_teamChatTime
cg_drawTeamOverlay, cf_TeamOverlay, ch_teamBackground
ch_powerups, ch_flags
ch_scores, ch_skinScores

chg: cg_thirdperson 1 only available in demos

chg: updated the defaults for a few client cvars
cg_deadBodyDarken 1
cg_enemyColors 2222
cg_enemyModel sarge/pm
ch_drawWeaponSelect 0

chg: MOTD maximum line length is now 60 chars

chg: MOTD line 3 is now available (lines 1 and 2 are still reserved)

chg: using "use item" with no item (i.e. as a signal) doesn't whine

chg: removed cg_centertime
"centerprint" messages ONLY come from the server now
and may not be hidden/ignored by players

chg: use a much better RNG for cointosses and "callvote random x"

fix: issues with excessively-sharded GA players picking up YAs

fix: re-enable bot "hunting" in instagib

fix: VQ3 battlesuit was using CPM "alternate spawns"

fix: splash damage could weasel its way through thin non-axial surfaces

fix: scoreboard getting "stuck on" in some MVDs

DEV: weapon ammo and box ammo reduced significantly

DEV: spawn locations are biased by enemy position rather than corpse

DEV: BFG is a 2000ups 100dmg projectile with no splash and 1250ms reload

17 июл. 2006 г.

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