Моды для Urban Terror v3.4 Full

Urban Terror v3.4 Full

Размер: 414.91 Мб

Today is the official Urban Terror 3.4 release day! It's been nearly 4 years and many hours of work and numerous release. It has culminated with this final release on the Quake III Arena engine.

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3.4 Features

* g_swaproles 0/1 - defaults to On - at Intermission, teams are swapped,
* map starts up again with a warmup
* g_maxrounds N - 0 for off, have to have it off to use the timelimit
* cg_autoscreenshot to accept a value of 2 now to only take shots during
* matchmode
* New bomb mode rules removed.
* g_survivorroundtime now accepts real numbers like 1.5 for 1:30 worth
* of time.
* Changed the g_teamnameRed and g_teamnameblue to not be latched anymore
* Changed intermission not to look around anymore
* Made TDM use TS spawns if no TDM spawns around
* modified the UI to show 1/2 time scores on the scoreboard
* if it somehow makes it to 1/2 time without either team readying a
* ready up in the second half resets the match
* personal scores are kept between first and second half unless a
* restart is called in which case the personal scores are cleared but
* the match starts at the second 1/2
* Improved pause text
- "Pausing" appears at the top of the screen
- by who (red/admin/blue)
- whether it's a timeout or pause
* Pause and resume have countdowns eg: "Resuming in 9 seconds" etc
* which are in the middle of the screen

5 апр. 2004 г.

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