Моды для Squad Assault West Front v1.30 (US)

Squad Assault West Front v1.30 (US)

Eric Young's Squad Assault Read Me Version 1.30 Fixes

- Tank pathing though waypoints fixed
- Orders Menu Dropping Down over IN Game UI
- Luzerne map Typo on the German briefing
- Brit & Canadian 3 & 2 Inch Mortars Won't Fire
- Fixed problem with new nationalities
- Redundant screen fades entering 3d
- Hand to hand combat not deadly enough
- All Inf. AT weapons reload to fast
- Mouse over highlighting works if the unit markers are off
- Set the max height to 100m
- Performance increases on ALL machines
- Camera pans at windows edge with right mouse button held down
- Smoother animations
- Tree LOD's adjusted for game speed
- Speed up camera movement
- Vehicle main arm machine gun fix
- Vehicle overruns adjusted
- New Merville Map
- Left Arrow or "Q" key: Turn Left
- Right Arrow or "E" key: Turn Right - Home or "D" key:
Strafe right
- End or "A" key: Strafe left
- Right mouse button held down swivels camera, changes camera axis, and pans
camera when held at left and right edge of screen.
- Reversed Mouse wheel moves camera up and down.
- Order menu appears near mouse pointer when activated
- Hand 2 hand combat is more lethal
- When you save a game it does not start using that new file by default. If
you want to do that once you save you have to exit and restart the new saved
- App should not leave the file mikebug.txt in the install directory
- Reduced protection values in buildings

15 дек. 2003 г.

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