Моды для Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 2 "Dagor Dagorath Remastered 0.29.4"

Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth 2 "Dagor Dagorath Remastered 0.29.4"

Неофициальное дополнение на основе Эдайн мод 3.8 и 4 версии. 

Добавляет для всех фракций  юнитов и героев из Сильмариллиона,включая конечно Валар и Майар,очень много новых эффектов и моделей.

Установка:Содержимое архива распаковать в папку с установленной игрой «Властелин колец: Битва за Средиземье 2: Под знаменем Короля-чародея»(Требуется чистая,английская версия игры 2.01).

Changelog of 0.29.4:
Other Changes:

Game Changes:
-Added new music songs

New Features:
-Mordor: Spell- Evil men summon army is updated with new Mumak-Mahud unit, which replaced one of the 3 Mumakil.
Morgul Fortress can now produce builders
WK can now enter inside Morgul Fort giveing leadership bonus, be protected and be able to heal unattacked. However Morgul fortress will loose access to second menu if WK is garissoned inside.
-Goblins : Gundabad summon army spell is reshaped

New/Edited Units:
-Improved Orome's Abilites (Allatar and Palando can be fully summoned)
-Mordor: Gorbag's (hero) bad skin has been corrected
-Mordor: Guritz has more voices
-Mordor: Dark Marshal & Shadow Prince Nazguls are both overhauled (better gameplay and also prevents crashes)
-Lothlorien New Mirkwood Archers
-Goblins: Gundabad Bolg has now new models (both regular and armored), a new palantir menu and more abilities.

New/Edited Buildings:

-Fixed Helms deep Rohan Silmaril system and Angmar First Age Portal
Bug Fixing and Balancing:
-Improved the CP System
-Isengard Placed mines now detonate faster
-Isengard Wargbow Riders icon is now displayed in the Wargpit
-Fixed Suladan revive bug
-Fixed Flying Units/Heroes second attack bug
-Improved attack damage of Gwaihir and Radagast (Eagle)
-Maglor can only be heared when he is Visible
-Rebalanced Valars/Maiars
-Fixed Complete Rise of the Witch-King Campaign
-Hwaldar now can only Target heroes with his hero stun ability
-Fixed Angmar's Wall ice arrow tower bug
-Rebalanced Wall Radius Range
-Fixed some hotkeys
-Fixed Underworld Wizard ability "Coath of Death"
-Underworld Wizard and Saruman The Blessed can now attack Flying Units/Heroes
-Improved Grond's Armor against flying units/heroes
-Added Ogres to the Tribute Cart System
-lag reduction : Morgulduin waters of Morgul Fortress (Mordor), Rohan peasants & Goblins are all optimized
-Arnor faction : Arthedain spearmen and swordmen can no longer be recruited in Barracks (totally removed from the faction)
-Arnor faction : Fornost guardians and Amon Sul guardians can no longer be recruited in Inn (totally removed from the faction). They are now replaced by Dunedain swordmen and rangers.
-Fixed Dragons Slayer mine entry
-Fixed Rohan Royal Guard Archers Animations
-Nerfed Oath of Feanor
-Fixed Wall and Gate Armor
-Isengard and Mordor Sawmill limit increased 2 > 6
-Adjusted basic and low tier pikes and swordsmen to perform slightly differently (swords should beat easier pikes, swords should hold the line vs archers better, except for elite pikes).
-Adjusted Mordor heroes prices.
-Adjusted Armor of some heroes to match their cost and roles.
-Improved Tar-Mairons Abilities (Damage)
-Tauriel, Gift of Lothlorien is fixed
-Gothmog, the balrog, has now a stronger armor
-Improvement the overall abilties of Rohan Heroes

-Improved the AI
-Fixed Mordor AI Crashing

P.S. Добавил только изменения последней версии,так как их очень много.

28 апр. 2019 г.

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