Моды для TTM 2.3

TTM 2.3

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Pakman u ко выпустилu новую версию своего мода - TTM 2.3
Наиболее вероятно что это последняя версия второго семейства (pakman надеется что в ней не будет фатальных багов, которые придется править, и он займется новой версией ТТМ)
Наиболее важные нововведения: пофиксина некорректная поддержка положения оружия по центру у модельки, и теперь брайтскины работают при спекаторстве.

(fix) centered weapon is now supported correctly
(chg) TTM's automatic server-side demo recording feature now supports %n (for names of all players)
(fix) brightskins now work fine when spectating a game -- colors set for red and blue are used (not on team/enemy basis since the viewer is not on any team)
(fix) strange 'Boksha crash' (when burnt and skeletized) fixed
(fix) 'out of bounds' warning in some cases when trying to access the Skins array after thepawn has been skeletized
(fix) all player skins no longer forced to blue in DM when brightskins off
(fix) link, lightning and shock hit fx are now displayed onto brightskins
(fix) on map change/restart any TTM's window closes automatically
(fix) fixed bug: linkgun still didn't make players bright-white-green sometimes
(fix) fixed bug: when with Labalaba clantag extractor (%c in auto demo recording) messed up team 0 - generally "unknown" as result
(fix) TTM's warmup doesn't has impact on Epic stats and on El Muerte's LocalStats
(fix) fixed bug: when there's a max lives set, like in LMS, but also in DM, the warmup ends in the end of the match after one of the players loses all his lives.
(fix) 'duplicated last map in map voting window' bug fixed
(fix) propagated maps list is now 75 items max
(fix) fixed some incompatibility issues with some other GameRules based mutators (outdated declaration of NetDamage function)
(fix) fixed typo in voting participation window

Most probably this version will be last of v2.* series and next version to be expected is v3 with some big changes in it. Of course, if there'll be found some fatal thing still not fixed in v2.3, we will release another fix, but I really hope it won't happen.

4 авг. 2003 г.

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