Моды для XIII v1.01

XIII v1.01

Размер: 34.35 Мб

The patch includes
_ new boot up screens

_ "You in the Game" . New ingame character in single player. A new
winner from the XIII "You in the game" competition is featured in
the single player part of the game.

_ clarify saved game situation:

XIII uses a checkpoint based save system. You can save your progress at a checkpoint
either though the ingame menu or by using a keyboard shortcut. During the solo
adventure, press F5 to save the game at the last crossed checkpoint. Press F9
to load this particular saved game.

In game information has been changed to reflect more accurately the way the
save system actually works.

_ multiplayer sabotage mode

fix the bug that occurs when changing team at the end of a game.

_ single players missions

various bug fixes in a few levels (collision related)

_ various stability issues on Win2K/XP systems.

14 мар. 2004 г.

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