Моды для Witcher 3 "Исправление геймплея и истории"

Few gameplay and story fixes

Новая модификация для ролевой игры The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt устраняет ряд известных проблем и приносит несколько отличных улучшения для игрового процесса. Мод имеет максимальную совместимость со всеми языками и модификациями, поскольку изменяет лишь оригинальные файлы без добавления стороннего кода.

Список исправлений от автора мода:

Black pearl

  • Added a notice to the Novigrad's noticeboard beside Golden Sturgeon, if you read it, it will start the quest and Geralt will have a different conversation option while starting the quest with Nidas.
  • Cause(s) of the bug: 1) the world where the notice is being added needs to be loaded before actually adding it, but in this quest, it was being added right away while still in white orchard or vizima. 2) even if the world was loaded, it didn't add any notice that could be picked, so I corrected that as well.
  • Will not work if you don't start a new game, maybe it will work if you haven't yet found Yennefer or reached Vizima - i didn't look into it that much

Hidden in the depths

  • The quest no longer completes after looting the guarded treasure or reading the letter (if you had found the aforementioned guarded treasure) located northwest of the southern lighthouse (coordinates: 362,-1169,5 -> use tptopos(362,-1169,5) )
  • Cause of the bug: the guarded treasure adds a fact that the quest waits for (assumption, but my time is valuable so i didn't care about it that much and just edited the required fact to complete the quest to be different, and map it to the red-glowing chest in the cave that needs to be opened)

Till death do you part

  • An interactive grave now yields a unique line - there are 4 graves/tombstones/crypts that can be interacted with at the cemetery in Beauclair, within the city walls above the ground, but only 3 of them yield a line spoken by Geralt (with this bugfix, the 4th one will now work as well)
  • Cause of the bug: originally, the bugged grave was supposed to yield Pablo Picasso's comment, but the comment was changed a bit and mapped to another grave outside the city, close to the grave or the dead woman's mother, while the original mapping was removed. The other line was most likely forgotten though and wasn't mapped to any grave that would be spawned in the game, so i interchanged the mappings (Picassos's removed line with the forgotten line) and all the 4 graves yield a unique line.

UPDATE (4.3.2021)

Father knows worst

  • The portrait at the inn where Hugo and his brothers reside after successfully completing the quest and achieving the good ending (all brothers live), can be interacted with. The problem is the interaction angle and distance from the painting (see screenshot) - it has something to do with the rotation of the painting, but i decided not to waste much more of my time fixing the interaction button, so this will have to do;)
  • This fix can be used even after "100%" completion

The beast of Toussaint

  • An item called "Grain Cup" can be properly picked up from the table/cart directly to the north of where Anna Henrietta makes her speech about finding the phoenix egg (close to the Unicorn glade). After picking it up, you can use it to feed the peacocks and trigger a unique remark from the 3 nobles nearby;)
  • This sh*t alone took me 2 days to fix, and works at any point during the "finding milton phase" of the quest;)

The beast of Toussaint (part 2)

  • After you return the lost ring to the crying woman (the woman is on a small bridge over the small creek), you can properly trigger an interactive response from her (the interaction was there, but she didn't say a word due to a misstype)
  • This fix works at any point during the "finding milton phase" of the quest;)

Требование: наличие всех дополнений

Установка: Распакуйте архив в папку "mods", которая находятся в каталоге игры

Автор: Klubargutan

19 мар. 2021 г.

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